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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (261.816-3889) Faith, Sexism, Justice: Conversations Toward a Social Statement: A study from the ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice: One in Christ     
Author: ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice
Publisher: ELCA Office of the Presiding Bishop, 2016
Vendor: Donated by ELCA
Length: 136 Pages
# Copies: 1
Description: A Study from the ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice: One in Christ. This study includes 7 modules:
1. Why do we need to talk together?
2. What problems do women face and how are we the body of Christ together?
3. How is sexism personal, and how are we the body of Christ together?
4. What does economic sexism look like, and how can we seek equity for all?
5. How can we address violence against women and girls?
6. Why do words and images for God matter?
6. How do we challenge the misuse of Scripture against women and girls?
Age Groups: None specified.

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